The - Different-Types-Of- Cockroaches-That-Live-In-Tennessee

Types Of Cockroaches In Tennessee

There are several species of cockroaches that call the state of Tennessee home. They are known as one of the more resilient pests in Tennessee. Traps may be a temporary hindrance to cockroaches, but it is recommended to call a professional pest company. Thus, helping to solve the problem befor it gets out of hand. For businesses such as restaurants or hotels, it is important to get ahead before they completely infest the building. If this were to happen, it could seriously affect the reputation of the establishment. The different species of cockroaches to keep an eye out for include: American Cockroach, German Cockroach, and Oriental Cockroach.   


American Cockroach  

As one of the largest and most common cockroach species, the American cockroach measures around 2 inches long and can survive indoors and outdoors. These reddish-brown cockroaches crawl or fly into homes and businesses in search of moisture, food, and dark areas to lay their eggs.  


American Cockroach
American Cockroach


 German Cockroach  

 The German cockroach are one of the smallest species of cockroaches, measuring at only 0.25 inches long. But, they are one of the more aggressive kind of cockroaches you’ll have the displeasure of meeting. Light tan with two black stripes near the top of their heads, German cockroaches are known to deliver painful bites if you get too close to them.  


German Cockroach
German Cockroach Nymph


 Oriental Cockroach  

Thanks to its black to reddish-black coloring, the Oriental cockroach has no problem sneaking around the dark areas of your home or business. Like other species, it is drawn to dark, damp areas, and feeds on human food waste.  


Black Oriental Cockroach
Black Oriental Cockroach


Types Of Cockroaches – Where to Find Cockroaches  

As pests are drawn to darkness, warmth, and moisture, cockroaches tend to lurk in your basement, under your sink, or around your bathtub or toilet. Additionally, the longer you leave dirty dishes and full trash bags in your kitchen, the more likely you are to discover some new roommates scuttling around the floor or countertops.  


Cockroaches have  serious diseases such as typhoid, salmonellosis, and a variety of other deadly diseases. Therefore, It is important that if you come into contact with these pests you call a pest professional immediately. These insects can quickly contaminate food products, and may lead to occupants within the home becoming sick.   


Get Rid of Cockroaches in Tennessee with U.S. Pest Protection  

Stop cockroaches before they endanger the health and safety of your family, employees, or customers. Furthermore,  U.S. Pest Protection is committed to solving cockroach problems for Tennessee residents and business owners with innovative, specialized pest control solutions. We will help you protect your property with preventative measures to ensure you never have to worry about an infestation.  



 For more information on how to keep your house cockroach free visit Lastly don’t forget to follow us on our Facebook page at U.S. Pest!



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