The Importance of Parents’ Day

Parents’ Day is on Sunday! Since 1994, American families have observed this day (every fourth Sunday of July) to recognize the values and actions of all dedicated parents.

For many parents, this day equips them to recommit themselves to their highest standards. And to strengthen their values and ensure those values are reflected by the way they fulfill their responsibilities.

Here at U.S. Pest, we believe it’s important to consistently find ways to better yourself in an effort to be the best you can be for those around you. We’re always looking for ways that we can better serve our customers – because we treat our customers like family. Not because it sounds good, but because that’s who we are – and we’re proud of it. We’re not in the bug business. We’re in the people business.

Parents are incredibly selfless. They always give their all, and will do whatever it takes for their children. At U.S. Pest, we do whatever it takes to ensure our employees are trained and knowledgeable. We do whatever it takes to keep your home safe and bug-free, and we always hold ourselves accountable. At U.S. Pest, we do whatever it takes to ensure integrity is at the heart of everything we do. Now that’s how we do business.

Interested in working with us? Sign up for a FREE pest inspection or call 615-590-1260!

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