Termite Inspection | How To Tell If Your Home Is Ready
Termite Inspections are a must in Tennessee. Termites can be a major concern for homes and buildings throughout the United States. They cause billions of dollars in damage and control costs. Termites work together as a colony. There are two major types of termites that attack structural wood and cause damage.
The Two Types of Wood Damaging Termites
The two types of wood damaging termites are subterranean and drywood termites. Subterranean termite species can be found in different regions of the country. Drywood termite species are more localized in southern and gulf coast states. They are also found in southern California and Texas.
How do you know if your house needs a termite inspection? The best answer to that question is probably any house one year or older needs regular professional termite inspections.
Subterranean Termites
In our southern region, subterranean termites can begin to enter the structure immediately after it is built. Subterranean termites normally require some sort of contact to the ground.
They will the build mud tunnels up to the wood they plan to feed on. These termites can be hidden in the walls and go unnoticed for years while they do extensive damage. Formosan subterranean termite colonies are mostly found along the gulf coast and Florida. These colonies are very large, aggressive and can cause extensive damage to a home or building.
It is probably a good idea to look around your home for any probable signs of a subterranean termite infestation. In the spring you might see swarming or flying termites. These are reproductive members of the colony that fly out to mate and start new colonies in the ground.
Damage and Signs of Termites
You may see these flying termites around the outside of your home. If they appear inside your home it is a definite sign you have an infestation and need an inspection. You may only find discarded wings. Some species may swarm in the fall and in the deep south possibly in winter months.
Subterranean termites build mud tubes or tunnels over sheetrock or wood to protect workers as they travel and eat. If you see what appears to be lines of dirt or mud on walls or wood, that is evidence of termite activity and you will need an inspection. Remember many times the larger part of the infestation may be inside the walls.
When searching for signs of termites, look for possible wood damage. This could be at the base of wood piers, door sills and frames and around wood window frames. If you probe into the damage you may see live small white termite workers and dirt/mud in the property damage.
Difference Between Ant Workers And Termites
Know the difference between ant workers and termites. Ant workers are usually dark in color and have a pinched waist in the middle of their bodies. Termite workers are pale to white in color and have a straight body. Ants will trail overy surfaces and termite workers stay inside the wood or mud tunnels.
Some other signs of subterranean termite concern could be the appearance of moisture stains on sheetrock. Wood floors buckling or the presence of blisters on the wood. Windows that don’t close well or uneven could be a sign of moisture problems or termites.
If you are unable to enter the crawl space under your house, you would definitely need a regular professional inspection. Subterranean termite infestations can even reach the attic areas. Remember subterranean termites are attracted to moisture. Any moisture areas in the structure are a concern and need to be inspected.
Interesting facts about termites
- Termite workers do not sleep but work 24/7 feeding on wood and taking care of the colony
- Some termite queens can live over 20 years
- Large Formosan subterranean termite colonies can eat up to a pound of wood each day.
Drywood Termites
In the deep southern region of the country to southern California, there may be drywood termites infesting your home. These termites do not need to be in contact with the ground and do not build mud tunnels or tubes. They build small colony nests in wood and send out swarming reproductives to start additional colonies in structural wood.
The worst infestations are usually in attics where they go unnoticed for years. Indications of drywood termites include swarming termites, discarded wings and piles of fecal pellets they drop from their infested wood areas.
Termite Solution & Services In Nashville, Tennessee
There are a number of signs and symptoms where your home may show a need for a termite inspection. A regular professional termite, wood destroying organism and moisture inspection should be conducted. A professional pest control company inspection may save you thousands of dollars in future damage and repair costs. A termite control program is a wise purchase for middle Tennessee homeowners. U.S. Pest Protection offers a termite guarantee policy that insures what most homeowner’s insurance won’t. Ask about a termite inspection for your home today.
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