Close-up of honey bees on honeycomb.

Pest Control and Bees – How U.S. Pest Is Different

Pest Control and Bees at U.S. Pest Protection – Have you ever looked at your fruits and vegetables while dining and thought about the importance of bees? Most people haven’t, but bees and other pollinators are very important for our food supply.


Importance of Pollination

75% of the world’s top one hundred crop species rely on insect pollination. Crop yields are enhanced up to 75% through insect pollination. 80% of insect crop pollination is carried out by the honey bee. So now we can understand the importance of pollinators in the world, especially honey bees. Pollination services by the honey bee industry is valued at over 170 billion dollars a year. We basically depend on the food we eat to honey bees and other pollinators, not to mention the delicious honey bees produce.


Bee Species Around The World

There are a number of bee species around the world. Most all of them are pollinators but the western (European) honey bee is the most domesticated in North America and Europe. These bees are kept in the white boxed hives you may see on farms and back yards.



The Decline in honey bees

Our domestic honey bees are seeing a decline over recent years due to a number of factors. There is also a Colony Collapse Disorder scientist are studying. One factor that may affect this decline may be due to moving commercial bee hives around the country allowing them to pick up diseases and parasitic mites from other hives. Also, this moving may weaken hives. To add, genetic overbreeding may be a factor and agricultural pesticide applications may be a factor. There has been a 30-40 % decline in honey bee colonies in the U. S. over the past ten years.


Pest Control and Bees

We all have a duty to help pollinators especially honey bees to survive and prosper. U.S. Pest Protection has made a commitment to institute programs and services to protect these most important species.


Important Lessons on Honey Bees

  • Over 75% of our crops depend on pollination.
  • Bees and other pollinators are extremely important for all ecosystems.
  • Honey bee colonies are on the decline.



How you can help make a difference

What can the general public do to reduce the decline. First of all, you can plant bee and pollinator forage. Furthermore, plants that produce nectar and pollen will provide food for bees etc. Don’t apply pesticides to flowering plants and flowers. This will kill bees and pollinators. Bees can take these pesticides back to the hive and kill more bees. As a result, start your own hives or support local beekeepers by buying honey and wax products.


Pest Control & Bees – How U.S. Pest Is Different

U.S. Pest Protection is doing their part by working with the beekeeping community and providing education services and programs to the community and customers on honey bee and pollinator protection. In addition, our regular pest management services have been adjusted with a concern for bees and pollinators by not applying materials or applications that will directly or indirectly affect these important species. Finally, this topic is so important to U. S. Pest Protection we sponsor a Honey Festival that honors bees, pollinators, beekeepers and the environment in September. In 2018 over 10,000 people attended this event.



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