Springtime brings blooming flowers, budding trees, warmer weather and … bugs. Yes, bugs – and lots of them. Unfortunately, when plants spring back to life bugs seem to do the same, and they invite themselves into your home while they’re at it. Not sure if those pesky buggers have set up shop in your spare bedroom? Take a look at our quick list of signs that some common spring pests are invading your home to find out.


  • Check wood in contact with soil around your home
  • You spot swarmers, which are flying termites in springtime
  • There’s cracked or rippled paint on wood surfaces
  • You see mud tubes on the walls


  • You’ve seen one or two crawling around our home. Ants don’t typically travel alone – it’s likely there’s an entire colony nearby
  • Look closer for more ants.  They create trails that they follow
  • Look around the exterior of your home for ant trails, especially around windows and doors


  • Mouse droppings on kitchen counters and inside cabinets
  • Unexplained small holes created in walls
  • Scratching noises in your walls (particularly at night)
  • Small chewed holes in furniture, drawers, or other structures


Unfortunately a spider infestation can be had to spot because they often like to stay in a secluded area within or around your home. Contact us today for a [free inspection], and we’ll ensure your home stays spider-free.

Where should you look for these signs? Pantries, closets, boxes, and more. Check out our blog 11 Places To Look For Bugs While Spring Cleaning to make sure you complete a thorough check!

You deserve to have a home free of bugs and rodents. U.S. Pest Protection will help you get rid of those unwanted guests by utilizing the most powerful methods available. Our industry experts have the ability to eliminate termites, rats, cockroaches, spiders, and more. At U.S Pest, customer satisfaction is our highest priority. We understand every client has unique needs and tailor our services to specifically target your pest problem.