A beige house with a for sale sign in the front yard.
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Termite Letters | Why They Are Important When Buying or Selling Your Home

Termite Letters are very important in Tennessee if you are buying or selling your home. If you have ever bought or sold a home, you may have been required to have a termite letter. A termite letter is also referred to as a Termite Inspection Report, Termite Real Estate Reports, or a Wood Destroying Insect…

A swarm of winged subterranean termites on a stick.
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Termite Inspection | How To Tell If Your Home Is Ready

Termite Inspections are a must in Tennessee. Termites can be a major concern for homes and buildings throughout the United States. They cause billions of dollars in damage and control costs. Termites work together as a colony. There are two major types of termites that attack structural wood and cause damage.   The Two Types…


Buzzing Around: Red Wasp Infestation

No one enjoys dealing with an infestation, but a red wasps infestation can be challenging and overwhelming. If you are dealing with an infestation of wasps, there’s a good chance that it’s red wasps. A red wasp is a type of paper wasp that builds papery, umbrella like nests made up of honeycomb cells. The queen will remain hidden over the winter months in order to start…

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