Brown Recluse Infestation in Tennessee
The brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa) lives up to its name because it prefers dark, out of the way areas to live in your house. This spider has a bad reputation for a poisonous bite, which can be concerning for homeowners if they believe they have this spider running around their house. So, how do you know if you have a brown recluse infestation in your home?
Where are brown recluse commonly found?
The brown recluse is primarily found in the Midwest, but it has also been found from Nebraska down to Texas and north in southern Ohio and Illinois. Recently, this spider has also been found as far east as north Georgia and Tennessee.
There have been reports of these spiders in other states, but most are misidentified spider species. It’s also possible to transport brown recluse spiders from state to state in furniture and materials.
Brown Recluse Identification In Tennessee
In order to know you have a brown recluse infestation, you should have a good idea of what they look like. Brown recluse are mostly a uniform brownish buff color. They have no patterns or colors on their abdomen. Most of the time, they can be identified by a violin (fiddle) shaped mark on their back behind the eyes.
Adult spiders can be up to 1/2 inch in body length and with legs out about the size of a quarter. The legs do not have spines or stripes. If you look real close, you will notice these spiders only have six eyes in pairs of two. Most spiders have eight eyes.
Brown Recluse vs Other Spiders
People confuse the brown recluse with other spiders. You may see wolf spiders and grass spiders running around on the ground and think they are a brown recluse. You may also think the spiders that make webs are a brown recluse.
Remember brown recluse like to hide away in undisturbed dark areas, so you won’t usually see them running around in daylight unless they are chased out from hiding. Furthermore, these spiders may make a small amount of webbing, but do not use a web to catch prey.
How To Tell If You Have Brown Recluse In Tennessee
One way of determining if you have brown recluse is to set out small glue board monitors. Similarly, this also helps determine any other insect or spider pest. These cardboard monitors contain a strip of sticky glue that catches the wandering spider. These monitors are placed on the floor in closets, storage rooms, behind furniture, and in attics and basements.
Above all, with a brown recluse infestation, there is a good chance you will capture these spiders in a specific region using this method. Remember: the older the home, the higher the chance of having a brown recluse infestation..
Do brown recluse bite?
Consequently, brown recluse spiders can bite, but their bites are fairly rare even in the common infested regions. Furthermore, a bite normally occurs when someone puts on clothes or shoes containing a spider. When these items are put on the spider is pressed against the skin and bites in self-defense.
Most bites can be easily treated as this spider would rather run than bite. Brown recluse bites can cause bad necrotic bite reactions, but they are somewhat rare.
Brown Recluse Solutions & Services In Tennessee
In common brown recluse regions, these spiders can infest a home from hundreds to thousands. To prevent spider bites, be sure to pick up clothes and shoes off the floor. It also helps to wear gloves when cleaning out storage rooms and closets and check items for spiders that have been in storage for a long period of time.
Finally, remember to place monitoring glue traps out and regularly check for spiders. If your traps have captured a large number of spiders, it’s time to call in the professionals. Our knowledgeable pest specialists will be able to tell you if your home has been invaded by brown recluse or another spider and develop a plan to rid your home of these 8-legged pests for good. Protect your family from venomous spiders and insects and schedule your free inspection today!