Termite Letters | Why They Are Important When Buying or Selling Your Home
Termite Letters are very important in Tennessee if you are buying or selling your home.
If you have ever bought or sold a home, you may have been required to have a termite letter. A termite letter is also referred to as a Termite Inspection Report, Termite Real Estate Reports, or a Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report.
These termite report terms are referring to an inspection for wood destroying organisms. In addition, they also cover insect infestation or damage to a real estate property. Furthermore, these reports are performed and created by professional pest control companies and inspectors.
First of all, the reports are usually required by many financial institutions, such as banks and government sponsored programs (HUD and VA for loans institutions). The purpose is to determine if there is any visible damage to the property. Furthermore, it could also include other wood destroying insects like carpenter ants and carpenter bees.
Termite Letter Requirements
Some states only require the inspection and report to cover wood destroying insect infestation and damage. This damage can include termites, wood boring beetles, carpenter ants, and carpenter bees. Also, some states may require the report to cover wood decay fungus presence and/or damage. For example: Tennessee only requires an inspection for wood destroying insects (termites, wood boring beetles, carpenter ants, & carpenter bees).
Likewise, depending on the state or loan entity, either party may be required to pay for the inspection and report. If the seller is responsible for the report, they may already have the property under a termite treatment warranty. If the buyer is required to provide the report, the selected pest control company may not have any treatment history available.
Inspections and Documentation
The inspection itself is a visual inspection only. A professional pest control inspector will be looking for signs of damage on the structure. The inspector will also be looking for insects themselves or other signs. Signs such as wings from swarming termites or mud tubes are commonly looked for during inspections. Inspectors will not be able to see inside walls, under insulation, and behind furniture to locate the above mentioned signs.
Also, inspectors may note conducive conditions like heavy moisture areas. They will document the inspection on the report and list any inaccessible areas that could not be seen or inspected. A graph of the property may be included. Most noteworthy, the report is not a structural damage report, only for visible signs of wood destroying insects (or fungus where required).
Wood Inspection Report Highlights
- An inspection and documentation of the condition of the property, as pertaining to wood destroying insects or possibly fungus, is given.
- This is a visual inspection only and does not cover infestations or damage that cannot be seen.
- Many loan institutions may only accept the inspection report for thirty days. After that time a more recent inspection and report may be required.
The Inspection Report
The inspection and report are important to the buyer. It gives them peace of mind in the condition of the property they are purchasing regarding wood destroying insects or decay. They may be able to see the history of any treatments. An inspection report could possibly continue any warranties against termite damage and wood destroying insects that may be offering future protection.
In contrast, this inspection and report is important to the seller. Because it may help to close the sell faster, these inspections and reports are important for the process of selling and buying. If the home is under a termite or wood destroying insect warranty, the inspection becomes even more important.
Above all, showing good faith to the buyer in important. The inspection may uncover some concerns that could be easily corrected. These concerns may stop the sale or cause legal problems in the future.
In conclusion, remember to find a good professional pest control company to perform the inspection and report. U.S. Pest Protection is highly recommended in Tennessee we hear. We may be a little partial though. They’re only the best in Tennessee!
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