Hornets - In- Tennessee
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Hornets In Tennessee

Hornets in Tennessee – Hornets can be a serious pest that can quickly take over your backyard. If these pests are not handled properly, they can cause serious harm to both you and other family members. In the state of Tennessee, there are two kinds of hornets to keep an eye out for. These include the Bald-Faced Hornet and the European Hornet. Both of these hornets are known to be aggressive and very protective of their hive. If someone were to accidentally approach them, they could inflict some serious pain. So, what exactly do these aggressive hornets look like?

Hornets In Tennessee – European Hornet

European hornets can be identified by the yellow-and-brown color pattern on their bodies. These stinging insects are also about an inch in length. The European Hornet is much larger than a yellow jacket and has different colors. Thus, making it difficult to get these two pests confused for one another. European Hornets are not like pollinators where they go flower to flower collecting pollen. Instead, they hunt a variety of different insects. They are primarily carnivorous and prey on honey bees, mantises, and dragonflies.


European Hornet
European Hornet


European hornets are known to hover by honey bee hives and attack them as they return. The worker hornets will hover around the entrance to a honey bee hive to catch bees in the air as they come or go. They will then use their mandibles to behead the bee and remove the wings and legs before carrying it to their nest.

The best way to identify a European hornet nest is by its paper-like appearance constructed from chewed-up wood and plant matter. Like other hornets and wasps, European hornets do not actively seek out humans to sting. However, they are aggressive when threatened and are defensive of their nests. European Hornets can sting humans multiple times. Not like the honey bee in which stings one time and dies.


Hornets Nest
Hornets nest


Hornets In Tennessee – Bald-Faced Hornets

These pests are not hornets, however, are colloquially referred to as hornets. They are more closely related to Yellow Jackets than they are to hornets. Bald-faced hornets are usually just under an inch in length and can be easily differentiated from European hornets by their distinctive black coloring and white head. However, they are similar to European hornets in their construction of a large paper nest and their aggression in defending it. Similarly, to the European Hornet, each bald-faced hornet can use its stinger multiple times, unlike a bee, making it more dangerous.


More Information

To learn more about the different species of hornets in Tennessee, visit uspest.com

Hornets are serious pests, thus should be handled safely. Call the professionals at U.S. Pest Protection today to have your hornet problem eliminated. Call 615-822-8500 and get a free inspection today.

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