Insect References In Movies, Songs, and Art Insect references are quite common in a variety of movie scripts throughout the history of filmmaking. Some notable Hollywood examples include: “The Fly” (1986) – a science fiction horror film about a...
Transformation of Cicadas – This summer, the brood X cicadas are coming out in full force in 2021. They have been underground since 2004 in their nymph stage, waiting to emerge above ground. Just like most other insects, the cicada goes through different stages...
When Do Cicadas Come Out? – Depending on the species of cicada it will differ on when they emerge from the ground. If it is an annual cicada, they will emerge more often than a periodical cicada would. A periodical cicada will emerge every 17 years whereas an...
What is a Cicada? – A Cicadidae, more formerly known as the Cicada, is an insect within the Cicadidae family. Within this family it also includes leafhoppers and frog hoppers. Cicadas are as old as time; they have been mentioned in a variety of classic...