
Types Of Beetles In Tennessee

Types of Beetles in Tennessee – There are several species of beetles that call the state of Tennessee home. Even though these insects may not be an imminent danger to you or your family, these insects can still be a serious nuisance. Beetles are known to fly around and get into areas where they are unwanted such as kitchen pantries where dry food is stored. Within Tennessee, there are five species of beetles that are considered to be an extra kind of nuisance. These include black ground beetles, carpet beetles, cigarette beetles, drugstore beetles, and powder post beetles.   



Types Of Beetles – Black Ground Beetles  

Black ground beetles are one of more than 2,000 subspecies of ground beetles found throughout North America. As suggested by their name, these beetles are black in color and range from 3 to 12 millimeters in size. Their larvae resemble white grubs and can be found under mulch, gravel, and stone.  

Luckily, they are not considered dangerous pests, however, they can release a noxious liquid that creates blisters when they feel threatened and may potentially bite you.   


Black Ground Beetle

Types Of Beetles – Carpet Beetles  

Unlike black ground beetles, carpet beetles can cause noticeable damage in your home. From fabric, carpet, and furs to food storage, many items and materials in your home can be ruined by carpet beetles. There are three subspecies of carpet beetles, including Varied carpet beetles, furniture carpet beetles, and black carpet beetles. Each one of these subspecies looks a little different however, they can cause their kind of destruction. For example, furniture carpet beetles target upholstered furniture as a food source, and this is where they will also lay their eggs. These beetles can cause a lot of damage if they are not taken care of properly.  


Carpet Beetle

Types Of Beetles – Cigarette Beetles  

Cigarette beetles received their namesake for their tendency to target stored tobacco. Additionally, they feed on human and animal food storage. These small, light brown beetles are strong fliers and may attempt to play dead if they feel threatened. They have a strong aversion to light and typically come out of hiding on cloudy days or during the later hours of the day.  


Types Of Beetles – Drugstore Beetles  

Drugstore beetles, also known as bread beetles, are drawn to the spices, flour, and other dry goods in your pantry and cupboards. These tiny brown beetles are similar in size and appearance to cigarette beetles and can easily infest improperly stored food. Drugstore beetles also have a fine layer of hair on their wings.  


Types Of Beetles – Powderpost Beetles  

While other types of beetles are more annoying than alarming, powderpost beetles can certainly cause damage to your home. These reddish-brown, ⅛-inch long beetles are notorious for damaging wood throughout your home. From your baseboards and window sills to your furniture, powderpost beetles can quickly ruin your wooden belongings.  

A tell-tale sign of powderpost beetles in your home is the holes that they drill into wood. If you find tiny, round holes the width of pencil lead, you may have a powderpost beetle infestation.  


Powder Post Beetle damage in furniture

More Information

If you are finding an increase in beetle activity within or around your home, call the professionals at U.S. Pest Protection. Call 615-822-8500 today or visit uspest.com.   


For more information on the types of beetles in Tennessee visit our Facebook page at uspest.   

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