How To Tell If You Have Moisture Issues in Your Tennessee Home
Homeowners should be concerned with moisture issues that may be occurring in their homes. These issues can cause major problems with possible structural damage and even possible health concerns. To tell if you have moisture issues in your home, be aware of the most common moisture issue, how to recognize moisture development, when moisture development becomes a concern, and how to spot visual indications of moisture.
Common Moisture Issues
Moisture issues could be attributed to many different sources including:
- Water leaks in the roof structure
- Leaking water pipes or toilets
- Water and moisture accumulating in basements and crawl spaces
- Condensation on walls, windows, and bathrooms
- And more
Recognizing Moisture Development
Developing moisture problems in the living areas of the house may show up as water stains on sheetrock or floors. These problems could be attributed to leaks in water lines, roof leaks, or leaks around toilets.
Darker stains may develop that are fungi and mildew growing on the wall or floor material. These growths may also show up in heavy humidity areas like bathrooms and kitchens causing condensation on walls. These fungi may cause some health concerns like allergic sinus reactions.
Common Moisture Development Concerns
Major moisture concerns that homeowners may not be aware of may develop in crawl spaces under houses, an area that the homeowner may never enter. Leaking plumbing, groundwater from the exterior, moisture coming up from the soil and ever sewage leaks can cause major problems in crawl spaces. Excess moisture will be absorbed by the wood framing. When wood moisture is 18-22% surface fungus will grow and when wood moisture grows more than 22% wood decay fungus will begin to consume the wood and will cause damage.
Visual Indications of Moisture
Water stains on walls and floors will be a visual indication of potential fungus, mildew, or even decay growing in the area. A visual indication of possible moisture concerns in the crawl space may be buckling wood floors along with a mildew-like odor. These may also be indications of fungal growth in the living area or under the home. In some cases, some people may have mild allergic reactions like sneezing and sinusitis that may indicate a fungal presence.
When to Contact U.S. Pest Protection for Moisture Control
Areas with water stains in the living areas will need to be investigated by professional plumbers or roof contractors. Crawl spaces, though, first need to be inspected by pest management professionals trained in moisture management and wood-destroying organisms. The pest professionals can determine the presence of decay fungus, termites, moisture conditions and help the homeowners determine the best course of action. For more information on moisture control, contact U.S. Pest Protection, and our trained professionals will be happy to help!