A pest technician treating fungus in a crawl space.

FUNGI: The Quietest Demolition Crew


Wood decay destroys more homes than damage from fires and termites combined. While wood-eating fungi may not be as noticeable (or creepy) as pests with legs, fungi can set up shop in the fundamental structures of your home. Left unchecked, it can whittle away your wood. It will also threaten the structural integrity of your home and crush its market value.


Our fungus treatment professionals offer a complimentary inspection. We’ll identify any organisms that might already have taken root in your home. Additionally, we’ll assess your home’s general vulnerability to a future fungal invasion.

We specialize in applying Timbor, which forms a protective envelope around the wood of your home, keeping out fungus and eliminating several other harmful pests. Timbor has an active borate ingredient that’s odorless, and won’t discolor wood or damage building materials.


Unlike pests with legs, fungi doesn’t crawl around your home, but rather takes the form of mold. While bugs often alert you to their presence, mold usually grows in rarely visited places within your home, making it harder to see. However, mold releases billions of spores into the air you breathe. If you find you suffer from illnesses, respiratory problems, or allergies that get better when you’re away from your house then you may have a fungus problem. Persistent, musty odors within your home are also another good indicator of a mold problem, but it usually requires a professional to determine the source.

Mold requires water to grow, so it often takes root in damp areas, like the insides of walls or ceilings that have been damaged by water or where there’s an active leak. This can be indicated by peeling or bubbling paint, discoloration, or bulging in your walls or ceilings. However, damp and humid areas (like basements) run the risk of becoming a host for mold.


There are numerous different types of wood-decay fungi, but they all share some common features. Regardless of names like “dry rot” or “wet rot,” all wood-eating fungi require a degree of moisture from their host wood. Once they’ve found a place to grow, wood-eating fungi produce enzymes that target the wood’s cellulose. Cellulose is a stiff, sturdy compound that makes up the wood’s cell walls. By feeding upon the cellulose, the fungi consumes the very essence of what makes wood such an excellent building material, leading to the “rot” in their names and causing severe damage to your home.


We offer a “moisture shield” service to protect your crawlspace from harmful mold and decay by reducing the amount of moisture entering the space. Moisture shields also create a base layer of defense against pests by eliminating their water supply.

Call us for an inspection to check out what’s going on in, around and under your home! Call: 615-590-1260. Visit: U.S. Pest | Follow us on Instagram @u.s.pest to stay up-to-date.

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