Pest Identification: Argentine Ants in Tennessee

As their name implies, Argentine ants come from South America—specifically the area around Argentina. They are an invasive ant species, having been imported to the United States in the early 1900s and spreading throughout the country ever since. Now Tennessee residents and businesses struggle with keeping Argentine ants away. 

Thankfully, you don’t have to deal with Argentine ants on your own. U.S. Pest Protection is Tennessee’s #1 pest control expert. Our experienced technicians are armed with the tools and tricks of the trade to get rid of and prevent Argentine ant infestations. We provide effective residential pest control and commercial pest control solutions at affordable rates. 

Want to learn more about Argentine ants? Read our guide below. Learn more about carpenter ants below, or contact our team about a free inspection today.

How to Identify Argentine Ants

Like many other species of Tennessee ants, Argentine ant workers are wingless and small, whose workers range in size up to ⅛ of an inch in length. They are usually a dark brown in color, though they are sometimes lighter brown as well. Queens are larger and can have wings, and unlike many ant species, queen Argentine ants sometimes forage along with workers. 

However, it can be difficult to identify Argentine ants in your home properly, as many ant species look similar to the untrained eye. If you’re not sure Argentine ants are in your home or if you want a professional to come by and identify your ant infestation, U.S. Pest can help. Save time and schedule a free ant inspection today.

Where to Find Argentine Ants

Argentine ants are an invasive species and don’t have any natural predators in Tennessee. As a result, if you have Argentine ants in your home, you are liable to find Argentine ants everywhere. Argentine ants are more than willing to invade homes, get their moisture from pipes, and build nests in your walls. They are among the most aggressive nuisance pests in Tennessee, making their way inside when it is particularly hot or when it rains heavily.

Unlike other ant species, Argentine ants build temporary nests, moving between them relatively quickly. Additionally, they can easily combine colonies with multiple queens, and a full Argentine ant colony can consist of hundreds of thousands of workers. Keep an eye out for ants in:

  • Cracks in windows
  • Doors that don’t fully seal
  • Sinks
  • Wall voids
  • Around the base of your foundation

While Argentine ants sometimes build nests in the walls of your home, they do not always do so, and as a result the source of the infestation may be outside. Don’t let confusion about their nests stop you from getting help. Contact U.S. Pest Protection, and our certified expert pest control technicians will get to the root of the problem. 

U.S. Pest Protection Can Prevent and Eliminate Argentine Ants

Preventing Argentine ants is the easiest way to ensure you don’t get an infestation. That’s why we offer monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly preventative pest control plans to provide a shield for you and your property. We’ll make the regular inspections that are a core part of keeping pests away.

If you currently have Argentine ants, don’t fret: Help is on the way. We guarantee fast response times and customer satisfaction. Your Tennessee property can become pest-free with the help of U.S. Pest Protection. Schedule your free carpenter ant inspection, and get your peace of mind today!

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