A man holding a spider in his hand.

Got Friends In Dirty Places?


Crawlspaces were originally intended to be a cost-effective solution to build a strong foundation for the house that would be built upon it. However, rodents, snakes, spiders, and bugs love dirty crawlspaces. These guys not only live, reproduce and die in these moist spaces, they can also make their way into your home! The lower level areas of your home are a favorite for black widows which are one of the most venomous spiders around. These pests certainly love to contribute to the disarray in your crawlspace.

Ultimately, the odor and organic decay lead to the poor air quality that you and your family breath. Not to mention the traditional vented crawlspace actually does more damage than good by increasing humidity and moisture levels. An encapsulation from U.S. Pest Protection can help improve the quality of the air flowing though your home. Bonus benefit: U.S. Pest encapsulations can help reduce the affects of allergies. Who doesn’t have allergies, living in Tennessee. 

Check out this informative video to learn more about the benefits of our encapsulation services! After all, crawlspace encapsulation IS a form of pest control.


Call us for an inspection to find out what’s going on in, around and under your home! Call: 615-590-1260 | Visit: U.S. Pest | Follow us on Instagram @u.s.pest to stay up-to-date.

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