Close-up of a bed bug.

Bed Bug Inspection And Treatment At U.S. Pest

Bed Bug Treatment

Bed Bug Inspection & Treatments at U.S. Pest are rated the best in the state of Tennessee. Over the past few years bed bugs have become the number one topic concerning pests in homes and travel. People are scared to have bed bugs in their bed rooms. Travelers are also afraid to come into contact with bed bugs in hotel rooms while on a trip. These bugs bite, feed on blood and can leave a rash.

U.S. Pest Protection addresses those concerns with professional inspections and treatments. We will determine if there is a bed bug infestation by a through inspection. If an infestation exists U.S. Pest has a program to treat the current concern. This program will also continue to prevent future infestations in your home.

If your feel you have a bed bug infestation it is best to contact a professional pest control company. It all starts with a intensive inspection of your home. Sanitation is not really a factor with bed bugs. Clean home and hotel rooms can still have bed bugs.

Pre Bed Bug Inspection

A U.S. Pest inspector understands the biology of the bed bug. Using this knowledge they will search in possible bed bug prominent locations.

Bed bugs want to be near a food source. This food source is you! They will hide in the seams of mattress, in box springs, bed head boards and even night stands. They can also be found in baseboards, radios, couchs, chairs, clothes drawers and other areas.

The U.S. Pest inspector will search these areas with a flashlight to find signs of these pests. Signs could be adult bed bugs, nymphs (babies) or eggs. All these prefer to hide in cracks and small seams.

The inspector will also search for spots and stains where the bugs defecate.

During the inspection

During the inspection the U. S. Pest inspector may ask general questions concerning your possible infestation.

For example: Who is showing signs of bites in the household? Where do people sleep? Does anyone sleep on the couch or recliner? Has anyone seen a possible bedbug?

Bed bugs generally only come out at night and wait to feed then a person is quiet and sleeping.

Bed Bug Treatment Plans

Once the bed bugs are found by the inspector a treatment plan is presented. Before a treatment can begin the homeowner must prepare the house for treatment. This preparation is required to get the best results from the treatment program.

Before a treatment program can be done, some basic preparations must be made:

Bed Bug Treatment Preparations

  • Remove a bedding, gather linens and clothes and wash in hot water and dry in dryer if possible. After washing place items in sealed storage bins or sealed bags away from possible infested areas. Empty closets in areas of bed bug activity and linen closets. Again wash and dry materials.
  • Unplug electronic devices in infested rooms. If possible move objects like bed frames, chairs, couches and furniture away from perimeter walls so the pest professional applicators will have access to baseboards and the back of furniture.
  • In infested rooms, photo frames and other items may have to be removed for treatment access to cracks and crevices where bed bugs like to hide.

Initial Bed Bug Treatment

After the preparations the U. S. Pest Pro will come in to do the treatment base on the inspection. The occupants will leave the premises during the treatment.

The bed frame, footboard and headboard areas will be treated concentrating on the cracks and crevices where the bugs will hide. Cracks and seams in the box springs and mattress will be treated with materials allow for treatment in these areas. Moving away from the bed area cracks and other bug harborage areas will be treated. This may include end tables, baseboards, couches, chairs, furniture and other infested items.

Post Bed Bug Treatment

At the end of the treatment process bed bug proof encasements will be placed over mattresses and box springs. This eliminates these areas for any bed bug harborages in the future. The home must remain vacant for a minimum of four hours or until all treatments have dried.

A follow up inspection is performed in 7-10 days and any possible residual infestations found will be treated.

After treatment it is important for the homeowner to be aware bed bugs can be re-introduced from other infested locations.

Bed Bug Solutions & Services

Finally, do you think you may have a bed bug problem? Are you certain you have bed bugs? As a result, call U.S. Pest Protection today. Most noteworthy, we specialize in bed-bug control treatments that will eliminate your bed bug problem quickly. U.S. Pest Protection is the #1 pest control company in Nashville and all of Middle Tennessee. Contact us today.


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