Types of Wasps | Pest ID Guide

Types of Wasps | Pest ID Guide

Quick Facts About Wasps

Wasps are stinging insects that become particularly active in Tennessee during warm weather months. These territorial pests can quickly disrupt outdoor activities and pose risks to homeowners when they establish nests near living spaces.

Wasps have distinctive slender bodies with a pronounced narrow “waist” connecting the thorax and abdomen. Unlike bees, wasps have smooth, shiny bodies without the fuzzy appearance. They typically have bright warning coloration, though the specific patterns and colors vary by species. All wasps have the ability to sting, with social wasps being more likely to use their stingers defensively to protect their nests.

Reproduction Rate: Queens can lay hundreds of eggs per seasonTypes of Wasps

  • Size: Varies by species (0.5-1 inch long) 
  • Color: Varies by species (yellow and black, red, or black and white) 
  • Shape: Slender bodies with narrow waist
  • Active Season: Spring through fall 
  • Lifespan: Workers live several weeks, queens can live nearly a year 

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are “vespid” wasps that create paper-like nests by chewing wood and plant fibers mixed with their saliva. Tennessee hosts three paper wasp species:

  • Red paper wasps: Distinctly red-colored bodies 
  • European paper wasps: Yellow and black markings 
  • Northern paper wasps: Various markings depending on subspecies

Their nests typically have an open-celled, umbrella shape and are often found under eaves and overhangs.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are highly aggressive wasps with thick black and yellow striped abdomens. Unlike other wasps, they typically build nests underground or in rotten logs, making them easy to disturb accidentally while doing yard work. Many pest professionals consider yellow jackets the most aggressive wasp species in Tennessee.

Bald-Faced Hornets

Despite their name, bald-faced hornets are actually wasps. They create large, football-shaped enclosed nests from a paper-like material similar to paper wasps. These wasps are primarily black with distinctive ivory markings on their heads, abdomen, thorax, and legs. Their nests can grow to three times the size of a football.

Red Wasps

Red wasps are a particularly aggressive paper wasp subspecies with red bodies that can grow up to one inch long. They build large upside-down umbrella-shaped nests and are attracted to human activity, including loud noises, bright colors, and food odors. Red wasps build the largest nests among wasp species, increasing the risk of painful encounters.

Where to Look for Wasps in Your Home

Different wasp species prefer different nesting locations around your property:

  •  Paper wasps and red wasps: Under eaves, roof overhangs, decks, and porches 
  • Yellow jackets: Underground burrows, hollow logs, or wall voids 
  • Bald-faced hornets: Trees, bushes, or attached to buildings, often several feet off the ground

Signs of wasp activity include visible paper nests, increased wasp traffic in specific areas, or wasps entering and exiting from a particular location. Keep in mind that some nests, like those of yellow jackets, may not be immediately visible if built underground or within structures.

Schedule a Free Inspection

Protect what matters most with U.S. Pest’s expert wasp identification and control services. Our trained technicians can safely identify the types of wasps on your property, locate nests, and implement effective removal strategies. Don’t risk painful stings by attempting to handle these aggressive insects yourself.

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