
Types of Wood Decay in Tennessee

When you think of wood damage in your home, termites or ants may come to mind first. However, there’s another property-damaging culprit you may not notice until it’s too late: fungi. Fungi come in many forms, but the fungus that can quickly damage your home is wood decay. 

Wood decay is any kind of fungus that feeds on certain substances in moist wood. Some species attack wood’s carbohydrates, while others focus on lignin, a substance that gives wood its form. 

Once wood decay infects the wood in your home, it can quickly turn it into a crumbling mess. U.S. Pest Protection can help you learn about the different types of wood decay and how to prevent them from invading your home.

Types of Wood Decay

Brown Rot

Brown rot is the most common type of wood decay in Tennessee. It is an especially concerning wood decay type, as it can attack both wood and living trees. Brown rot spores travel on the wind, landing on trees or into homes through vents or windows. If the spores interact with any kind of moisture, they can quickly grow. 

When brown rot gets into the moist wood in your home, it draws out the cellulose and hemicellulose that gives the wood its strength. Once the wood is drained of those two substances, it takes on a brittle, blocky appearance. 

In addition to its unpleasant appearance, wood rot can lead to dangerous structural damage by weakening wooden beams and other weight-supporting wooden structures. If you believe your home is infested with brown rot, don’t hesitate to contact the experts from U.S. Pest Protection.

White Rot

Unlike brown rot, white rot only attacks non-living wood materials. While this is lucky for the trees in your yard, your home is still endangered by the threat of wood decay. Like other wood decay fungi, white rot thrives in your home’s moist wood, whether it’s the beams in your basement or the trusses in your ceiling.

White rot feeds on wood’s lignin, causing its rigid form to become spongy and stringy. Additionally, when the white rot feeds on the lignin, it leaves behind the light-colored cellulose, which results in the wood’s white-yellow appearance. 

White rot damage may not reflect the crumbly mess made by brown rot, it’s still a serious problem for your home. If you find white-yellow or mushy wood in your home, bring in professionals to confirm its identity for you.

Soft Rot

Like white rot, soft rot does not attack living trees. They break down the cellulose in moist wood, which weakens it and eventually leads to structural damage to your home. Soft rot forms small cavities and cracks in the infected wood but does not present the same intense crumbling or unusual colors of brown or white rot. 

Though soft rot should not be left unchecked for extended periods of time, it does not break down wood as aggressively as white rot would. Like all wood decay fungi, however, the damage caused by soft rot can be expensive to repair.

Call U.S.  Pest Protection for Wood Decay Solutions Today

No matter what kind of wood decay has invaded your home, it’s crucial to bring experts quickly. The more time you give these wood-devouring fungi time to grow, the more damage they may cause. Bring in U.S. Pest Protection for a free wood decay inspection.

In addition to safeguarding your home with effective wood decay control solutions, we also offer preventative measures to stop a wood decay infestation before it even starts. Wood decay won’t wait to invade your home, and you shouldn’t wait to stop it. Schedule your free inspection today!






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