
How to Prevent Moisture in Your Tennessee Home

Moisture in your home may not seem like a serious issue. However, high levels of moisture can lead to fungi forming in your home and causing damage. Prevent moisture from creating health problems and property damage through fungi with preventative tips from U.S. Pest Protection.

Keep Your Home Dry with Dehumidifiers

One of the easiest ways to prevent moisture is to keep your living environment dry. Aside from turning on your bathroom fan when you shower, you can stop warmth and humidity from forming moisture with a dehumidifier. 

In addition to keeping moisture levels low, a dehumidifier can stop the growth of fungi that may potentially already be in your home. By eliminating moisture and fungi, you can also prevent pests attracted to them, such as silverfish, cockroaches, and spiders from invading.

Fix Leaking Pipes and Dripping HVAC Ducts

Moisture may slip into your home in the form of water through pipes and ducts. Check under your sinks, around your outdoor hoses, and in your basement for signs of leaking water, such as:

  • Water spots and stains
  • Foundation cracks
  • Musty smells

A significantly high water bill may also be an indicator of a leaking pipe. If you suspect leaking pipes are causing moisture in your home, be sure to bring in professionals. You also try to tighten pipes’ bolts, seal cracks, and completely turn off faucets.

In a warm, humid like Tennessee, it’s not uncommon to see condensation dripping from your HVAC ducts. However, it’s wise to prevent this form of moisture from developing. The moist, humid air near the opening of your duct could cause harmful mold to grow and spread throughout the air in your home. If there’s condensation on your HVAC duct, place a dehumidifier near it. Additionally, you can prevent warm air from interacting with the cool air in your HVAC by properly insulating it.

Completely Dry Out Your Carpets and Concrete

Even if your carpet appears dry, water could be lurking just below the surface. The padding underneath your carpet can easily absorb and retain moisture for extended periods of time, leading to health-threatening fungal growth. If water soaks into your carpet, get it professionally cleaned, or replace it with dry, new carpet.

Water may also create moisture by seeping into your concrete floors and walls. If you suspect your concrete is retaining moisture, act quickly. Fungi can quickly spread on moist concrete and become difficult to remove. You can keep moisture out of your concrete with the following solutions:

  • Use a dehumidifier to remove moisture
  • Turn fans on to maintain an air flow
  • Match the room’s temperature with the concrete

Prevent Moisture with U.S. Pest Protection

Do-it-yourself prevention measures can certainly help curb moisture’s influence on your home, but it takes professionals to stay moisture-free. U.S Pest Protection is dedicated to preventing moisture from creating fungi-friendly conditions with effective preventative solutions. For a cool, dry home safe from moisture and fungi, contact our experts for a free inspection today.






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