Stink Bug Identification Guide
Quick Facts About Stink Bugs in Tennessee
Stink bugs, specifically the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB), are invasive pests that have become increasingly common throughout Tennessee. Named for the foul odor they release when disturbed or crushed, these shield-shaped insects can become a significant nuisance when they enter homes in large numbers.- Size: 1/2 to 3/4 inch long
- Color: Mottled brown on top, gray-brown underneath
- Shape: Shield-shaped with body width almost proportional to length
- Active Season: Spring through fall, seek indoor shelter in winter
- Lifespan: 6-8 months
- Reproduction Rate: Females can lay up to 400 eggs per season

What Do Stink Bugs Look Like?
Stink bugs have a distinctive shield-shaped body with a marbled or mottled brown appearance. Their bodies are nearly as wide as they are long, giving them a somewhat flat, broad appearance. When viewed from above, their shape resembles a shield or pentagon. Their legs extend from the sides of their bodies, and they have two antennae with distinctive white bands.Key Identifying Features
- Shield-shaped body with mottled brown, marble-like exterior
- Body width almost proportional to length
- Six legs and a pair of antennae with white bands
- White bands also visible on the sides of the abdomen
- Fully developed wings with flying ability
- Brown on top and gray-brown underneath
- Releases a distinctive foul odor when disturbed or crushed
Related Species
Several insects may be confused with the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Tennessee. Native stink bug species have similar shapes but typically lack the distinctive white banding on antennae and abdomen. Squash bugs have similar coloration but are more elongated. Boxelder bugs are black with distinctive red markings rather than brown. Assassin bugs can have a similar shield shape but are generally more elongated and have different coloration patterns.
Health & Property Risks
Health Concerns
Stink bugs pose minimal direct health risks to humans:
- No biting or stinging behaviors
- Not known to spread diseases to humans
- May trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals
- Unpleasant odor can cause temporary discomfort
- Large infestations may cause distress and anxiety
Property Damage
While stink bugs don’t cause structural damage, they can create other issues:
- Damage to garden plants, fruits, and vegetables
- Contamination of indoor spaces with their presence and odor
- Staining of surfaces when crushed
- Nuisance factor when flying around indoor living spaces
- Potential damage to agricultural crops for farmers
Where to Look for Stink Bugs in Your Home
Stink bugs typically enter homes seeking warmth and shelter, especially in the fall as temperatures drop. Common locations to find stink bugs include:- Around windows, doors, and other entry points
- Behind baseboards and crown molding
- Inside wall voids and attic spaces
- Near light fixtures, as they’re attracted to light
- On curtains and window treatments
- Under furniture and appliances
- Around heating vents and sources of warmth
Stink bugs often emerge from hibernation inside walls and attics as weather warms up in spring, creating sudden infestations in living spaces. They can enter through tiny cracks and gaps in the exterior of homes, making prevention challenging.
When to Call Professional Help
Professional pest management can be beneficial for stink bug problems when:- You’re experiencing large numbers of stink bugs inside your home
- DIY prevention methods have proven ineffective
- You want to implement comprehensive exclusion strategies
- You notice recurring seasonal infestations
- You want to protect your garden or landscaping from stink bug damage
While individual stink bugs can be managed with simple methods like vacuuming, professional pest control services can address the root causes of infestations and implement effective prevention strategies.
Schedule a Free Inspection
Protect what matters most with U.S. Pest’s comprehensive stink bug control and prevention services. Our trained technicians can identify entry points, implement exclusion strategies, and develop a customized treatment plan to keep your home stink bug-free. Whether you need monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly services, we offer pest control plans designed specifically for your situation.