Bumble Bees in Tennessee

With 49 different species found in the United States, bumble bees are one of the most easily recognizable insects out there. Large and fuzzy with short, stubby wings, these bees are essential to many aspects of our global ecosystem. While they travel around feeding on nectar, bumble bees pollinate plants and many crops—both of which are dependent on pollination from the animal kingdom to grow. 

Unlike many stinging insect species, bumble bees tend to be calm and keep to themselves, only stinging when they feel threatened. Additionally, these bees can only sting once before their stinger falls off, after which they generally die. While bumble bees have many natural predators—including birds, large insects, and frogs—toxic pesticides and habitat loss are the main causes of bumble bee populations declining across the world. Unfortunately, if we aren’t careful, they may soon become extinct.

At U.S. Pest Protection in Tennessee, we understand the important role these insects play in our daily lives, which is why we go the extra mile to ensure they stay protected. If bumble bees are buzzing near your Tennessee home, give our team a call so we can remove the colony safely from your property. 

How to Identify Bumble Bees

Bumble bees are large yellow and black insects with four wings. Because there are so many bumble bee species across the country, some of these insects have different color variations like bands of red or orange. Their stocky, hair-covered bodies can grow up to one inch long, and they have a pollen basket located on their hind legs. Female bumble bees have a stinger and pointed abdomen, while male bumble bees have no stinger and a rounded abdomen.

Uncertain if bumble bees are nesting near you? Contact U.S. Pest Protection in Tennessee for professional bee identification within 24 hours.

Where to Find Bumble Bees

In the spring, queen bumble bees wake up from their overwintering hibernation and emerge from the ground. When searching for a nesting site, they opt for dark, dry places close to or below the ground like:

  • Old rodent burrows
  • Dead leaf piles
  • Wood piles 
  • Compost piles
  • And more

Because bumble bees need nectar and pollen to survive, their colonies are often found in Tennessee yards that feature lots of flowers and other nectar-producing plants. However, their nests can be difficult to track down, as they are often just below the surface of the ground or underneath yard debris.

Protect Your Tennessee Home From Bees with U.S. Pest Protection

Although a bumble bee infestation might seem frightening, these beneficial insects are typically calm and non-aggressive. However, if they feel threatened, they can cause a painful sting and put those who are allergic in harm’s way. 

If you’re dealing with an infestation in Tennessee, trust the pest professionals at U.S. Pest Protection to step in and help. Equipped with advanced technology and years of experience, we can safely remove bumble bees from your property to ensure your family stays safe. Contact us today to schedule your bumble bee inspection.

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