
How to Get Rid of Centipedes

While centipedes are occasional invaders in Tennessee homes, it can feel daunting to capture one that is scurrying across your wall or floor and release it outdoors. Even if you manage to trap one successfully, improper handling on the way out the door could lead to an uncomfortable sting from the centipede’s front claws. Unfortunately, if you are seeing consistent centipede infestations around dark and moist areas of your home, it could also be a sign that you are dealing with other pest problems around your property. 

Thankfully, at U.S. Pest Protection, our certified technicians are here to help you ward off bothersome pests and centipedes from your home. With this guide, you will be able to make your home and landscaping less than ideal for centipedes all year long.

Inspect Your Home for Pests

If centipedes are consistently entering your home, chances are they are finding ample food sources. Because centipedes are predatory hunters, they can feed on all types of common household bugs, including:

  • Spiders
  • Cockroaches
  • Silverfish
  • Ants
  • Bed bugs
  • And more

If any of these insects are present in your home, it is time to call in the pest professionals at U.S. Pest Protection. With advanced pest control technology and natural pest barriers implemented throughout problem areas, we can ensure centipedes and their insect meals are eliminated from your living space.

Utilize Dehumidifiers in Damp Areas

Centipedes love moisture and humidity, which means places like bathrooms and basements are ideal environments for them to thrive in. With carefully placed dehumidifiers, you can pull moisture out of the air in centipede hotspots and deter them from taking up residence. In addition, you can install overhead shower dehumidifiers, which helps you dry out your bathrooms faster during and after showering.

Seal Cracks and Crevices Around Your Home

Centipedes can only get inside your home if cracks and crevices are exposed or improperly sealed. From window frames and door frames to dryer vents and more, make sure to seal openings around your home to prevent insects from finding their way inside. 

Get Rid of Yard Clutter

From compost piles to dead leaves or logs in your lawn, centipedes are attracted to natural materials and decaying plant matter. Do your best to eliminate yard clutter where possible. Plus, if you have mulch near the exterior of your home, make sure your foundation does not feature any openings or cracks that could give centipedes an easy route indoors. 

Schedule a Centipede Inspection Now

While centipedes can help you eliminate other nuisance insects in your home, having them around is not all that comfortable. Plus, if they continue to return even after you have made changes to your home and landscape, U.S. Pest Protection is here to help you eliminate them. Contact our certified pest control technicians today to schedule your free centipede inspection in Tennessee. 






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