
Types of Bed Bugs in Tennessee

There are more than 90 species of bed bugs around the world, but only three types feed off of human blood: Cimex Lectularius, Cimex Hemipterus, and Leptocimex Boueti. The most common type of bed bug in Tennessee is the Cimex Lectularius, also known as the common bed bug. 

The Common Bed Bug (Cimex Lectularius)

The common bed bug is the type of bed bug you’ll most likely find in the U.S. They are extremely small, measuring 3/16 of an inch long, so they can be hard to identify. In general, they are an amber-reddish color, oval, and flat. These bed bugs primarily feed off of human blood, which they receive by biting, stinging, and bloodsucking. 

The Tropical Bed Bug (Cimex Hemipterus)

The tropical bed bug is very similar to the common bed bug, but because these bed bugs normally thrive in tropical climates, they aren’t as common in places like Tennessee.

The Bat Bug (Cimex Adjunctus)

Bat bugs are also very similar to the common bed bug, as they look pretty similar and cause the same bites. The main difference is that they, as their name suggests, prefer to feed off of bat blood instead of human blood. Although bat bugs prefer bat blood, they still bite humans and can sometimes transmit diseases to them. It’s important to have your home inspected by pest control experts who can identify between the two and provide the best pest solution to get rid of them.

Getting Bitten by Bed Bugs? Contact U.S. Pest Protection

Whether it’s the common bed bug or the bat bug, these pests should be nowhere near your home. If you suspect you have a bed bug infestation, contact U.S. Pest Protection as soon as you can. Treating a mild infestation is far less costly and easier than treating a moderate or severe infestation after it becomes more widespread throughout your home. Schedule your free pest inspection today and get back to a restful sleep without bed bugs!






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