We’re in the middle of summer and that means sun, fun and…checking for moles. While this may be the time of year you’re used to scoping your skin for suspicious looking spots, you also need to peep your property for the furry, beady-eyed variety as well.

What is a mole?

A mole is an insectivorous mammal with dark, dense fur, a long muzzle, tiny eyes and ears, and long, curved claws designed for digging.

What do they eat?

While you may have heard moles eat plant bulbs and roots, they actually feed on grubs and worms found in soil.

How can I tell if I have moles?

You may see evidence of one or more dirt piles on your lawn. A mole mound can look similar to an ant mound, though the piles created by moles are typically higher and larger. You might also see tunnels created in the soil. Tunnels can cause your grass to lift in some areas and may also create patches of dead grass in a vein-like pattern.

What damage can they do?

In addition to the irreparable damage that may be done to your eyes when you search “mole mouth” on the internet (pro tip: don’t do it), moles can create a variety of tripping hazards on your lawn while damaging your greenery. Even though they don’t eat roots, by digging and tunneling both near the surface and deep within your yard, moles can cut off essential root systems, causing once healthy grasses and plants to die.

Thankfully, we offer mole protection both as an individual service and as part of our comprehensive lawn treatment program. If you think you have a mole problem on your property, give us a call. We’ll get rid of those pesky molesfor good in no time.

Oh, and if you have a new or strange looking mole on your skin? Call your dermatologist.