Hornets Eat Honey Bees – Did you know hornets like to eat honey bees and are actually a breed of social wasps that live in highly organized colonies, known to have a rich diet of sugar & protein. Hornets prefer honey bees to any other insect and are the...
Pest Control and Bees at U.S. Pest Protection – Have you ever looked at your fruits and vegetables while dining and thought about the importance of bees? Most people haven’t, but bees and other pollinators are very important for our food supply. ...
Come One, Come All to the Tennessee Honey Festival! Saturday, September 8th 2018 Memorial Park, Hendersonville TN 37075 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Experience the Sweet Taste of Beekeeping. Bring your family and friends for an educational fun-filled festival to learn about...