How to Prevent Wasps from Nesting

Once you see a wasp in your yard or near your deck, it may already be too late. Wasps that you find near your home are typically “social wasps,” which means they live in large groups. Social wasps are protective of their nests and won’t hesitate to sting anyone who gets too close.

You can prevent wasps from building nests by making your yard undesirable to them. U.S. Pest Protection has put together a list of ways you can discourage wasps and take back your summer.

Protect Your Food from Wasps

While wasps eat a wide variety of insects, they are also attracted to human food sources. The food they seek out varies based on the season. In the spring and early summer, they’re more likely to be attracted to sugary foods. In the late summer and fall, they shift their attention to proteins, such as leftover meat.

Whether it’s a spilled Coke or scraps of brisket leftover from a barbecue, make sure to clean up after eating or drinking outside. If wasps associate your backyard with food, they’ll be more likely to build a nest there.

Seal Your Garbage Cans

Even if you don’t eat outside, you could still be leaving desirable food sources unprotected. Due to their strong sensitive senses of smell and taste, wasps can easily find the leftover food in your garbage cans. You can wasp-proof your garbage cans in the following ways:

  • Use lids with tight seals
  • Clean your garbage cans regularly
  • Rinse out containers and drink cans before throwing them away

If you have a compost pile, be sure to keep it moist and mix it at least once a week. Wasps may build their nest in your compost pile if it is too dry.

Cover Holes in the Ground

Don’t ignore unusual holes in your backyard. Some wasp species, such as yellow jackets, often build their nests underground. If you mow over a wasp’s underground nest, you could find yourself under attack from the colony.

The entrance to a wasp’s ground nest typically resembles a cone-like pile of dirt, with the hole at the center of the pile. While you may attempt to identify a wasp nest and fill it yourself, it’s best to call in a U.S. Pest Protection expert.

Use a Decoy Nest

Wasps are territorial and prefer not to build their home near other nests. You can purchase a decoy nest and place it near your deck or patio to make wasps believe a nest has already been built there.

Contact U.S. Pest Protection for a Free Wasp Inspection

U.S. Pest Protection’s experts can help you prepare your yard and home for a wasp-free summer. From inspecting your home for potential nest conditions to scheduling quarterly wasp pest control, you’ll find peace of mind with our excellent service. Schedule a free inspection and estimate today.






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