Pest Identification: Brown Recluse Spiders in Tennessee

While black widows are the imposing venomous spiders that tend to be most feared, the brown recluse is the most common venomous spider in Tennessee. With their small size—about the size of a quarter with their legs extended—and their nondescript brown color, Brown recluse spiders can be easily mistaken for other less venomous and less dangerous spiders. 

Brown recluse spiders use a neurotic venom to paralyze their prey and as a defensive mechanism when they feel threatened. A bite from a brown recluse can cause the following symptoms:

  • Dry, itchy, red skin
  • Blistering around the bite
  • Fever, chills, and vomiting
  • Necrosis

Necrosis is a rare reaction to a brown recluse spider bite, as it cannot impart much venom due to its size. However, necrosis—or tissue death—is a very serious condition that can lead to long-term damage. If you believe you have been bitten by a brown recluse, contact a medical professional. 

Whether or not you feel confident in identifying a brown recluse spider, U.S. Pest Protection provides spider control throughout Nashville and Tennessee, and we have identification tips to help you properly identify your spider problem.

How to Identify Brown Recluse Spiders

A brown recluse spider can be easily mistaken for multiple other spiders—such as the house spider and sac spider—as its size and neutral colors makes it harder to identify. One way you can identify if a spider is not a brown recluse is through the legs: if the spider has any other color or markings, such as stripes, on its legs, it is not a brown recluse spider.

You can best identify a brown recluse spider through:

  • Its size, at about a quarter in total length with legs extended
  • Its sandy brown color
  • A slightly darker, violin-shaped marking at its center

If you suspect you have a brown recluse spider infestation, contact U.S. Pest Protection. We’ll help get rid of spiders you might have in your property and help prevent them from coming back.

Where to Find Brown Recluse Spiders

Like other spiders, including other venomous spiders like the black widow, brown recluse spiders eat insects for nutrition and will search for insects in your home. As a result, you’ll most often spot brown recluse spiders in secluded areas, such as in cracks, under furniture, near light fixtures, and in other areas where its food sources often congregate. Additionally, brown recluses can be routinely found in pockets, shoes, and gloves. 

Unlike many other spiders, brown recluse spiders do not utilize webs. Brown recluse spiders are termed hunting spiders. Rather than using webs to catch prey, brown recluses will utilize their speed and venom to hunt for and catch their prey. 

Evict Brown Recluse Spiders With U.S. Pest Protection

A brown recluse spider bite can prove to be an extremely unwelcome bite. With the possibility of serious medical problems such as necrosis, you should make getting rid of brown recluses in your Tennessee home or business a priority. No matter if you’ve successfully identified a brown recluse spider or want to be extra careful about the sandy brown spider in your Tennessee home, U.S. Pest Protection can help. 

Not only can U.S. Pest Protection utilize our expertise to eradicate a spider infestation from your home, but we can also prevent them from ever returning with our proactive pest control. In addition, U.S. Pest Protection can help you with the underlying reasons for spider infestations by also keeping your house insect-free. Schedule your free pest control inspection today!

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